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About John 1:1 Ministry

John 1:1 Ministry is an independent non-denominational ministry, a non-profit faith based organization.  We are not registered as a 501c3 organization. Our founding fathers of our nation saw the importance of faith based organizations in setting the moral and religious standards for our nation, and they protected it under the First Amendment. Our authority comes from God alone.  

We are primarily an online ministry.  This allows us to reach out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally.   We also serve our local community as well as people in need all over the United States and around the globe. We will go where ever there is a need that God calls us to serve.  
John 1:1 Ministry and all who call themselves Christian have been given a great calling in 
Matthew 28: 18 - 20  "18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in Earth.  19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:  20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


We are also called to His service to be servants.

Matthew 20:"28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”  Galations 5:13"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."




There is one God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are ONE. Just as we are body, mind and spirit, created in His image.  The Father is God. Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. He is the Almighty God, creator of all Heaven and Earth and all that is in them. (John 14:7–16Genesis 1:11:26–273:22Psalm 90:2Isaiah 40:28–29Matthew 28:191 Peter 1:22 Corinthians 13:14Ephesians 4:4-6.


Jesus Christ is God, come to the earth to dwell with us. Christ is not His last name, it means 'the anointed one'. Jesus is the name above every name because He is the only One worthy to be our sacrifice and reconciliation. He is the only Way to God. He is the Truth of God. He is the Life God has given us. He is the Love God has given us. He is the Light that gives Life to every man that comes into the world, because He is the creator, and He is the only way to an eternal life with God, because He is God. He was born in the flesh. He was born of a virgin as both God and man, lived a sinless life and suffered as a human. He was crucified on a cross and died to atone for the sins of all humans on earth. Jesus being God, became the sacrificial Lamb, a perfect and acceptable sacrificial atonement for all of our sins. He was buried, in a borrowed tomb, and being God, death could not keep Him and He arose from the grave alive. He spent 40 days after coming out of the grave, testifying and was witnessed by over 500 people. He then ascended into heaven, and will literally return to earth in His glorified Flesh, the same way that He left when He ascended, as He promised, and as the angels testified to the disciples. (Matthew 1:22–23Isaiah 9:653:5–6John 1:1–514:10–30Hebrews 4:14–151 Corinthians 15:3–4Romans 1:3–4Acts 1:9–111 Timothy 6:14–15Titus 2:13).


The Holy Spirit is God. He is our divine comforter, helper, counselor, instructor, protector., creator. He is our ever present help, always working. His work  reveals and testifies of Jesus as God and Savior , convicts us of sin, gives us understanding, leads us to repentance, guides, comforts, strengthens, sustains and sanctifies us. He is the heart and soul of God, Who is the Lover of our Soul. (2 Corinthians 3:17John 16:7–1314:16–17Acts 1:81 Corinthians 2:123:16Ephesians 1:135:25Galatians 5:25).


The Bible is God’s Holy Word, without error, and is the sole authority for life. Jesus is the Word of God. Every word in the KJV Bible is divinely inspired by God, and a miracle in and of itself.  It is a library of books written by 40 writers from different cultures, with different writing styles, living in different countries at different times, speaking over 50 different languages, over a period of 1500 years. And in spite of such diversity it is in perfect harmony and unity, compiled in 1611 into one language that would be spoken commonly all over the earth and translated into more languages than any other book, at a time when mass production and distribution would make it possible for everyone to have one, and the longest bestselling book in all the world since it's production, containing in it about 2500 prophecies, of which about 2000 have already been fulfilled to the letter and without error, proving it's reliability. God says that Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His Words will never pass away.  Even without written form that can be read, He places His Word in our hearts and mind, that we may know Him. The Word of God has impacted each person's life, more than they realize it, even if they have not read it. As Jesus said in John 10:35, "Scripture cannot be broken.". (Psalm 119:105Romans 15:42 Peter 1:20–212 Timothy 3:16).


Human beings are the special creations of God, made in His image. They fell through the sin of the first man, Adam, and all human beings are sinners in need of salvation. We are no longer born into the perfect world that God created for us in the beginning, where He could be present with us, but we are born into a world stained by sin, that takes away life and perfection and causes death, destruction and hell. No matter how 'good' we think we are, there is no works or deeds, good or bad, that can pull us out of the sin that we are born into, that separates us from God. Everyone will physically die, but our souls are eternal. Without being cleansed of our sins through the blood of Jesus, God Himself, we cannot be reconciled to God and have eternal life when we die. And die we will, because of the curse of sin. But God told Adam in the beginning, if you eat from that tree, you will surely die (the very first prophecy). And so far, that has been true for every person ever to exist, except one...the one who IS God, who we call Jesus. (Genesis 1:27Psalm 8:3–6Isaiah 53:659:1–2Romans 3:23).


Salvation is a gift through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. Every person who truly is saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ and will spend eternity in heaven, while those who die in their sins will spend eternity in hell. What must you do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. It is so encompassing and profound, yet it is that simple. (Acts 16:30-31)  (Romans 6:23Ephesians 2:8–9John 14:61:12Titus 3:5Galatians 3:26Romans 5:1).


Baptism is by immersion after salvation and is done in obedience to Jesus Christ’s command (Matthew 3:15–17Acts 2:38)



Each believer has direct access to God through the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:14–167:19Ephesians 3:12).


The Church is considered the body of Jesus Christ. It is all who put their faith in Jesus as God and Savior, who follow His teachings and carry on His ministry of sharing the gospel, which is the good news of the Kingdom of God where we can have eternal life being reconciled to God, our Savior,  through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:18Acts 20:27–291 Corinthians 12:27–29Ephesians 1:21–233:20–224:1–35:21–27Colossians 1:17–19).



Our mission is to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us for His purpose, to grow the Kingdom of God that He may be Glorified.



Minister Teresa W Taylor

Minister Teresa Taylor is ornearre en yn goede steat troch Christian Global Outreach Ministries (Minister #104546 Conferred).  Teresa hat de Hear Jezus Kristus al har libben kend. Doe't se mar in pear moanne âld wie yn 'e earmen fan har beppe, wiisde se nei in skilderij en sei "Jezus".   Se waard grutbrocht by Brentwood Baptist Church, yn High Point. Se besocht in protte oare denominational tsjerken ynklusyf katolyk, Baptist, Methodist, Tsjerke fan God en mear, mar beskôget Shiloh Baptist Tsjerke yn Ramseur, NC har thús.


Teresa naam Jezus Kristus oan as har Ferlosser op 2 augustus 1987.  Yn jannewaris 2021 sei God har har hûs op oarder te krijen.  Doe op 19 febrewaris 2021, wylst se tsjûge hoe't se leard wie oer Jezus fan har ierste oantinkens as bern, ûnderbriek God har en sei stevich tsjin har "Nimmen hat jo leard, ik ROEP JO!"  Nei't er 9 moannen oan har wurke hat, liet God har sjen dat Hy har roppen hie ta ministearje.  Se wraksele mei Syn ropping om't se leard wie dat froulju net roppen waarden om predikanten te wêzen. God liet har sjen hoe't Maria Magdelena, in frou, de earste wie dy't Hy keas om it folsleine evangeelje fan syn opstanning te preekjen, doe't Hy har fertelde om 'gean en fertelle' yn Johannes 20:17.  God liet har sjen hoe't se al syn tsjinstfeint west hie troch al har jierren, har herinnere en oan it ljocht brocht hoe't se bibelstúdzjes en gebedsgroepen begon en liedt.  Hy brocht oantinkens oan it ljocht fan hoe't se predikanten tsjinne hie troch bibelske rie, oanmoediging en gebed. Hy liet har in âlde brief sjen dy't in protte jierren ferlern gien en fergetten wie, fan in dûmny, har te tankjen foar de ynfloed dy't se hie op Syn ministearje en famylje, oant in tsjerke yn Yndia. Hy brocht ek oan it ljocht hoe't se Him trou west hie by it tsjinjen fan Israel's Temple Mount Faithful Movement, mar ek hoe't se pleatslik bibels dien hie oan dyjingen dy't gjin ien hienen. help. Se akseptearre trou har oprop ta ministearje op 2 novimber 2021.  God late har om John 1: 1 Ministearje te meitsjen, om't Hy sei dat is wêr't syn ministearje begon.  Hy liedde har om it ministearje online te meitsjen om syn oprop fan Matthew 28:19-20 te ferfoljen "Gean dêrom en meitsje learlingen fan alle folken".  Se begon te wurkjen oan 'e webside 17 novimber 2021, lansearre it op 1 desimber 2021 as


Mei in tsjinstfeintenhert hat Teresa har libben wijd oan it tsjinjen fan de Hear Jezus Kristus en it tsjinjen fan oaren. Se hat in Bachelor of Science Degree yn Sosjale Wittenskippen en tsjinne as plakferfangend sheriff foar 17 jier.  God joech har de Man perfekt foar har, doe't Hy by har yn houlik mei har man Chad Taylor. Tsjaad hat in boarne west fan krêft, stipe, oanmoediging en help yn har hûs, libben en har ministearje.  Se hawwe fiif bern; Crystal ~31 jier (3 pakesizzers ~ Alexis, Hailey en Payton),  Andrea ~ leeftyd 21 (skoansoan Darrell Kidd), Joshua ~ leeftyd 19,  David ~ 14 jier,  en harren ingel poppe Joseph (hy stoar yn 'e liifmoer op 3 moannen út Trisomy 18).  Se hawwe ek offisjeel twa soannen oannommen, Darius en Jeffery.  As famylje genietsje se fan túnjen, kampearje, fiskjen en geocaching.

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